The SAFe Campaign Uganda
Strengthen African Families
A Call for Change
The ‘Strengthen African Families’ (SAFe) campaign is an initiative by an alliance of individuals, organizations, and networks in Uganda, or supporting work in Uganda, to ensure that Ugandan children are in safe, happy, and healthy families.
In 2014, the SAFe campaign raised awareness about the continued establishment, funding, and support of orphanages — also known as children’s homes, children’s villages, children and baby homes, and child care institutions — for children in Uganda.
The campaign highlighted the dangers and negative effects of the institutionalization of children, and made clear recommendations for the country and stakeholders to reduce the number of orphanages and reform the care system in Uganda.
But we are far from done…
We believe that we should continue working together to strengthen local child welfare systems, to keep children with their families and in their local communities.
Care reform drop-in clinic
Do you have questions about anything regarding care form? Sign up for our online clinic! It’s completely free.
Check out our blog on Medium for all kinds of stories on care reform, intercountry adoption, child trafficking and family strengthening.
“In Africa, we believe that families are the foundation of our communities and that everything should be done to keep children within their own families and communities.”
— The late Mr. James Kaboggoza, Former Assistant Commissioner for Children Affairs Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Uganda